Philip Bro is the designer behind theGeorg Jensen series LEGACY. He is rather pleased with the results as he hassucceeded in creating an entire series of new designs with a futuristiclightness while being inspired by Georg Jensen’s abundant history.
‘History is everything. And GeorgJensen’s history includes a lot of amazing designers. I am very inspired bythem all - this particularly applies to the sensitive curves from HenningKoppel's sculptural universe and the vital and grandiose ornamentation fromPrince Sigvard Bernadotte's royal world'.
And some of those design icons in factbecame the reference point, when Philip Bro dove into Georg Jensen's archives,and together with the company launched a series which touches the very DNA ofthe traditional silversmithy's classical design.
More grandeur, less Puritanism
'Ilike to include a little history and magic in each of my new designs, everylittle bowl or jug - a little fun and lots of detail. Georg Jensen, who foundedthe company, was a master at details. With LEGACY, I distance myself from thePuritanism which is evident in modern, Scandinavian design. It is an amazingfeeling to allow oneself to play with a lot of high polished mirroring - italmost feels a little sinful compared to how one's daily life is played out ina modern, white iMac world.'
This very distance to the currentScandinavian trend gives the LEGACY series an international flavour. The serieshas a masculine appearance and is characterized by the glossy, curved surfaceswhich are broken by decorative depressions. The individual parts mirror theirsurroundings, and particularly in the bowls of the series, the mirroring isalmost kaleidoscopic.
Sincethe introduction of the first bonboniere in 2009, new items have been added tothe line each year. This year, we have added a large platter in polished,stainless steel and an entire collection of bowls of which every second size isproduced in hand-blown glass and every second size in stainless steel. The Georg Jensen series LEGACY nowincludes a total of 17 different bowls, platters, jugs, candleholders etc. Thenew products will be in the shops in May 2012.
About Philip Bro
Philip Bro Ludvigsen was born in Australia in 1962 andeducated at the The School of Design, the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. He has founded his owndesign studio in Copenhagen and in his short career, he has already designed animpressive number of products and projects ranging from suburban trains tocandleholders. He has had great success with his collection of lamps,UnderCover, for Le Klint, and has created the series AVENY and LEGACY for GeorgJensen, to name a few
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